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IMPORTANT NOTICE: Only licensed Funeral Professionals are permitted to purchase embalming fluids. All orders are subject to final approval prior to shipping.
Product Code: CHFLF76
Frigid Rigid is a 35 index arterial fluid designed to furnish a firm body. It includes a unique blend of buffers, humectants and plasticizers to help modify the harshness of the formaldehyde. Rigid features a very effective surfactant for thorough distribution and deep penetration of the body tissues. Besides being excellent for “normal” cases, it is essential for the treatment of cases where decomposition is advanced or for cancer cases where nitrogenous body wastes have accumulated and tend to neutralize the action of the formaldehyde. It is the fluid of choice for cases when there will be an extended gap between death and burial. 24 pints per case.

Click Here To Download SDS Sheet
HOW TO USE THE FLUID For normal cases, use 10 to 12 ounces of Rigid per gallon of diluted fluid. On difficult cases or extended stay cases, we recommend using at least 16 or more ounces per gallon of diluted fluid. In hard water areas, use 2 to 4 ounces per gallon of Water/Clot Guard. Also use Water/Clot Guard when moderate to heavy clotting is anticipated or distribution seems to be poor.


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